Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to me!!

Unfortunately my birthday is on a Wednesday this year and Travis has 'set in stone' office hours for Wednesdays while pastor is on sabbatical. However, my awesome husband made sure I had a great start to my birthday day and we have a date set for Monday...

Anyway, last night while tucking Jeremiah in I told him to sleep in really late because tomorrow was mommy's birthday day. He looks at me and asks, "Did you hear what Daddy and I were talking about?" Me, "No." To which he replied, "oh, okay, he said I can't tell you. I'll sleep in really late." And Travis told me to just let the kids get up in the morning and not tell them what to do, like normal. : )

I woke up at 6am, through no fault of the children, though Lilly was up soon after. Around 6:30 Travis got up to take care of the kids...and around 7 I woke up to a quite house! Fifteen minutes later I hear them outside "Pick a flower for mommy...quite." "Waaaah" "Let me get that one, it has thorns...come on."

A little later my door bursts open to the older three kids singing "Happy Birthday" while Travis carried a plate and vase of beautiful flowers. The kids started chattering away as the song was done, telling me that "We bought Orange Juice!! (a true rarity)" and "We got your favorite donut with chocolate on top and cream inside! I thought you would like the one with sprinkles all over!" Travis lowered the plate and it had my Valentine's Ladybug glass from Jeremiah filled with o.j. (my FAVORITE), a whole nectarine cut up with fresh picked raspberries and blackberries (the berries from our yard) and a delicious looking eclair. I've been wanting cream puff things since watching Cake Boss! : ) It was just perfect. Then Travis took the kids to eat their donuts while I ate in semi-quietness. : ) I took some pictures, though the food is half eaten. : ) Oh, yes the kids all drew me a picture too! They're so cute. : )

We ran out of time for me to open the presents from my family, but when Travis comes home for a quick lunch (of homemade pizza : ) we'll do that...and then off he goes again to fix our car. It broke on Monday, needs a new starter, which we happened to get yesterday right before VBS. Hopefully he can fix it before VBS, that would be a nice birthday present. : ) I almost forgot, Travis also took Jeremiah with him for the office hours (9-12), so it's been nice and quite-ish around here!

What a great husband I have...pretty cute kids too. : ) I love them.

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