Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Just a bit too big for Facebook...

Addie can now "crawl" out of her playpen. Yes, she is only 11 months old. However, this feat is only possible because of the gapping hole cut into the side mess by none other than Jeremiah. This cut came at the same time as Lilly's hair cut. Lilly's hair has yet to be 'fixed' because if you put it up it doesn't really show...and except for some uneven parts it really is kinda cute. : )

Travis had Jeremiah in the car and a commercial came on the radio: "If your clothing makes a statement about who you are, what does your underware say about you..." at this point Travis turned it off (inappropriate commercials, really!) and Jeremiah pips up from the back, "my underware says I like bugs." Now, you must know that Jeremiah has no underware with bugs on it...but apparently it says he likes them! : )

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