I said I would post more for those without Facebook...and I've been meaning to, honest! However, I have the bad habit of thinking of things to post and then forgetting them. The kids have been full of hilarious things lately, but I can't remember them!
Jeremiah prayed the other day, "...and please help Adam feel better and help him find his charger. Amen." (explaination...Adam is staying in the shop this month and eats with us...he had a serious blood sugar level increase that landed him in the ER, hence the feeling better. And he's let Jeremiah use his phone and play a game called 'Angry Birds', hence the phone charger part.)
Addie can now sign 'milk' which is awesome because she likes to scream and whine for it otherwise. She said diaper and Target on Wednesday! hehe, girl after my own heart (the Target part)
Lilly is going to be one of the flower girls in a wedding tomorrow, she keeps asking, "Is it Saturday yet?" I'll try to post a picture. : )
Isaiah, well he's working on not whining and is still gaining followers at church, new ones every week! He's almost got 10 shapes down and is about 50% on colors. And when I say 50% I mean that half the time he knows almost all of them and the other half he can't remember any. : )
We recently butchered two roosters. We thought we were getting 5 hens, but the cock-o-doodle-dooing nixed that idea. : ) So, Travis can now confidently say that he can kill, defeather, chop, cook and freeze a chicken. Feel so Little House on the Praire. : )
Alright, enough procrastinating...off to make dinner and a freezer meal. : )
Sunday, November 10th
3 months ago
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