Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Life, it never is exactly what we expect and yet it all works, right? I wish there was a camera crew capturing the kids the last few weeks, they've just been hilarious. Jeremiah has learned the joke that goes like this: Jeremiah: "Hey, what's under there?" You: "Under Where?" And then he busts up because he made you say 'underwear.' The joys of a six year old boy! He actually got me really good with that joke at Target. I was focusing on pushing the cart while Isaiah was climbing in (no time to stop for such things), he kept saying 'What's under there' like four times and I finally said, in an exasperated tone complete with hand gestures, 'Under WHERE?!?!' Yeah, he laughed a lot over that one! We've also started teasing him that he likes Princess Peach (from Mario) and is going to marry her...oh, the reaction is priceless EVERY TIME!! I understand a little bit more why boys like to harass girls, it can be such fun.
I'm learning with Lilly that she follows after her mother a bit too much in the fact that if she's hungry, don't expect much beside attitude. I might print out the quote for her permanent apology speech, "I'm sorry for the unkind words I spoke out of hunger." But, when she's not hungry she has just been blossoming into the most beautiful little girl, inside and out. She's not as generous as the boys, but she is sweet and caring none-the-less and I'm so excited to see how she grows...okay maybe petrified as well when she approaches pre-teen or teen.
Isaiah has said so many things that are funny, but I can't remember any of them. He's also continued to charm and woo every female from age 0-99, sorry for those past 99. ; ) He is constantly telling me that I'm beautiful or a daisy or how much he loves me, complete with some of the best hugs ever. He told me about a two year old at the church, "Allison sure is pretty." He plays with Addie a lot...she's his kitty, or doggie or chicken or whatever Addie feels like (which sometimes she answers his question 'Are you my kitty?' with 'NO, me Princess!!').
This little girl is going to give me a run for my money, which I'm not sure how that works if I don't really have any money, but she likes things her way. She's so dang adorable and loves to imitate Isaiah as he passes out hugs like they're going out of style. Last week she got to play on a student computer in Grandma's school (she LOVES computers and phones and can unlock cell phones's amazing). While she was 'typing' with two hands she turns around and goes, "Shhh, be quite Mama!" I just about died laughing, apparently that's what I sound like when I'm on the phone (which is right by the computer!).
Anyway, the main reason I was going to write this post, besides it being too long since I last wrote is to say that we've invited a 16 year old boy to live with us. I know, it seems weird, but he's been a part of the youth group for a couple years (between moving to Eastern Oregon to live with his grandparents/guardians for a while). His parents are druggie losers, big time. He's basically been on his own since he was 12? He has a 3.5 GPA (or something like that) and hasn't lived with someone more than 4 years in his life. He's a good kid. It was a possibility that he'd move in around Christmas time, but he had somewhere else lined up, but a couple weeks ago that stopped working so he called Travis and told him he was on the curb with his stuff. I don't do transitions well and I must admit the first few days were hard because I was trying really hard to adjust my attitude (while fighting PMS), ugh, yeah not so pretty. : ) I was up at my parents during Salem's Spring Break and Travis and Kevin (the boy) worked every day on the remodel. He worked and worked hard, didn't complain and was teachable. While up there, the Sunday Sermon was about 'Interruptions' and how they bring us closer to God and build our faith in God. I don't think I have the notes page anymore, but it really spoke to my heart about how it's not just for him. He doesn't want to be put in the foster system, but wants to be emancipated. He needs a job for that to happen, please pray...this kid can make it, pray that we're a good example of what a marriage/family/kids/christians should be. It's weird, this is not what I thought would ever be part of our family, but since I've been married to Travis we've had a youth kid stay for a couple days while grandma cooled down (this kid stole from us), we've had a ex-felon (white collar, with lots of improvement made) stay in a trailer next door, we've had a 20 something kid live in the shop for two months (it was supposed to be one), we've online homeschooled a high school youth for a year, we've considered opening our house to a number of other youth or people...I love my husband, but it scares me every time.


T & K said...

I love you and you are an amazing example of a godly wife, mother, and role model. I would tell you that life is going to slow down soon but I don't think that you believe me anymore:)
I enjoyed reading your post.

Melinda said...

It sounds busy around there. Definetly a lot of interruptions. Have a great and adventurous summer. :)

Has he considered JobCorp? Just a thought. Usually that's for troubled kids, so it may not work. Will he be staying as a foster child? Will you be his legal guardians? Just curious about the details.