So, it's almost midnight and I'm still awake, which is not exactly a usual occurance for me. Okay, it hardly ever happens, though since being married, pregnant and dealing with feeding babies, it's much more common. All that aside, I feel like I have many things to write even though I can't remember many of them...I have the bad habit of 'writing' in my head...and then forgetting to actually write it down because my brain checks it off the list as done. Oops. I have many, many photos to upload, both to here and Facebook. I have a video of Addie having her first ice's quite adorable. I also have one of Isaiah as Spiderman showing off his muscles. Can't wait for Halloween. Lilly wants to be a cat (she's a very determined child that doesn't waiver on her costume idea, once she says it, that's it. Thankfully she's chosen easy costumes so far!), Jeremiah can't quite decide between all the nifty costumes in the dress up closet (he's waffling between a storm trooper, iron man, and bumblebee), and Isaiah is going to be a Jaguar (he was quite excited about the idea and Aunt Stephanie is going to make it possible with her mad sewing skills). Addie is undecided, I figure I'll let Lilly choose between the princess dresses, tinkerbell, a ladybug or a bumble bee...she has too many options for me to choose!
We recently picked 215 pounds of apples from a elderly neighbor's tree...we've been canning for four days now and have the last box down to about 20-30 pounds left. Even though I haven't eaten more than a few slices, I'm pretty tired of apples. Heck, I think I've only cut about four apples (my awesome husband has been helping like crazy and that's his main job...he's just wonderful!). So far we have about 20 quarts of applesauce, 6 quarts of spiced applesauce, 8 1/2 pints of apple butter, 10 quarts of apple juice (though one batch wasn't the greatest and all will need to be mixed with the grape juice), six pie fillings, two fruit leather trays (and probably three more coming soon), and 18 apple pies in muffin tins (and frozen) for quick easy breakfasts. The remainder of the apples will be turned into more "muffin pies" and spiced applesauce. In a couple weeks I will be getting concord grapes!! Yippy, a nice easy thing to can. However, I need to buy some pears because the free pears we normally get didn't happen (the tree didn't produce this year), it's really hard to buy fruit that you normally get for free.
We started Kindergarten and Pre-School last week. Isaiah is doing much better, making it nicer to teach them all. I think Lilly is really going to explode this year and Jeremiah is going to continue to do awesome. It will be nice to see the progress they if I can get it together and assess their beginning levels I could actually measure some of their growth. : )
I had some funny things that the kids said floating around in my head, but I 'wrote' them already, so they're gone. Oh, yes we now have chickens, five to be exact. All of us except Addie named one. Jeremiah's is Speedracer (he's the black and white one that is always getting out and leading the others out), Lilly's is Woodpecker ( in the week we've had them he's had about four birthdays and I think another couple are planned for the future), Isaiah named his Puma (big surprise there--watch Diego to know what I'm talking about), I named mine Pepper (the book I was reading at the time had a horse named Pepper and it's the other black and white one), and Travis named his plain white chicken Goober. So those are our chickens, hopefully they'll start laying soon...though I've read they don't lay unless there is 14 hours of sunlight...and of course it's coming into winter and we have less than 14 hours of sunlight. Hmmm.
We need to sell our Jefferson House. If anyone knows of a buyer, let us know. : )
Tomorrow is Lilly's 4th birthday, Addie turned 1 last week and Jeremiah has been 5 for a month! Craziness. Well, I think that's it and now I'm hopefully tired enough to go to sleep. I knew I shouldn't have bought that coffee, it was just so good!
Sunday, November 10th
4 months ago
1 comment:
I thought Travis said the chickens weren't for eggs? Now I'm lost. I don't know about the sunlight thing. Ours have been laying well lately and we don't have 14 hours of sun (we're getting about 8 per day from our 12 chickens), but are still VERY costly to feed. I'm selling them though so hopefully they will start to at least be cheaper.
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