Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Music for the Soul

Okay, so I'm not exactly a musical person, I'm not even that crazy about music. Often I switch between the three Christian Music radio stations, usually at the end of a song when it goes really high (ask Travis for the term they use to describe it). However, sometimes there are songs that just speak to you every time they're sung. Some are instant hits, so much that you remember where you were when you first heard it, others you can't remember where you heard it, but it feels like you've always known it. Then there are others that grow over time until you can't remember not loving it. And of course there are dozens of songs that are great and fabulous, but not quite 'that song that....' Here is a list, complete with U-Tube link (though I can't vouch for the quality of pictures etc...)

First, my favorite Hymn: Take My Life

Lead Me:

How Can I Keep From Singing?

Blessed Be Your Name

Here I Am

Call Out, Press On--Travis Frank
(there are some more, but I can't remember the titles!)

There is one I can't remember enough of to get a title, but it has a Warrior and that Warrior is kneeling, praying or crying (I can't remember which)...so if anyone has an idea, I'd appreciate the it, so I can add it to my 'list.'

Don't worry, I found it! Warrior Is a Child

I hope that you were able to listen to one or more of the above songs and felt the peace of Jesus while being bathed in His loving kindness and light.

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