Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pet Peeve

I have a pet peeve, you may call me a name for it, but honestly I don't know if there is a name for this because maybe it only bugs me!

I won't draw it out, it's the idolization of Single Mothers. The 'what sacrifice,' 'they work so hard,' 'I just don't know how they do it,' sort of comments with complete and utter awe in their voice. Now, before you get all defensive and spout off about this person or that person who deserves respect for their situation etc...let me clarify. Widowed single mothers DO NOT count, they are there because of no fault of their own. Also, I do not believe that single mothers deserve contempt based on their singleness. I just think that by putting them into a category of martyr we elevate the status and very possibly push more into the category. I understand that this is a simplistic view and single mothers (ones who have chosen this title and ones who made poor decisions on a spouse) do need help and caring, but awe and wonder I don't believe should be bestowed. Unfortunantly, the kids are the ones who suffer most.

Yes, I do have trouble swallowing the 'Prodigal Son' Parable. : )

Pet peeve rant, over...oh, an extra little rant on a similar topic.

In Salem they have at least one billboard that is for a big brother/little brother type program where Men mentor young boys without a male role model. No, I do not believe this is wrong, I think it is a great program because it's a near epidemic of single mothers without a male role model of any value. The issue I have is their push line, "Real Men Mentor." Okay, so because my husband is busy working and taking care of his family of four kids, a wife, and a house he's not a 'real man'? I know they're just trying to put a little self conscience guilt trip to push those who aren't taking care of families to consider helping the children, but it still rubs me wrong.

Okay, now I really done...as long as I don't start about Wal-Mart!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I completely agree with you. I feel the same way a lot of time about women who choose to have a paying job single or not. "Well, they're working so they don't have time to do that." or "Your time isn't as valuable, because you're just at home."

I'm just saying...my husband (and I know yours too) works many hours to get the bills paid. If I wanted extra "stuff," then I could stick my kids somewhere and accomplish that, but either way it is a choice. Just don't say it isn't. We all make choices.

As for single mothers there is totally an elevation of them. You should read "Sacred Marriage" by Gary Thomas (I loaned a copy to Steph if you want to borrow it). I think there are some good points in it that you may like.