Saturday, February 25, 2012

Why I don't Answer the Phone

I don't answer the phone a lot and this morning was the perfect example as to why...

It all started as a lazy Saturday morning, basically meaning I wanted to sleep in. Sitting down to breakfast at 9am, not too bad, right? Anyway, we're having granola and yogurt, but I need to melt the honey (seeing as it crystallized due to a gasket that let in air) and in the middle of that process the phone rang. Yes, I should have let it keep ringing, but I had missed a call from the person yesterday while we were out gallivanting around town (don't you gallivant with four small children?). So, I answered, and I'm glad I did, however I forgot about the honey. By the time the phone conversation was over, the kids were running crazy (though they had been quite at the table for a long time). When I told them, "Okay, lets go eat." Jeremiah told me they already had, but he had also told me the honey didn't work to sweeten the yogurt. And so I asked, "You didn't use the milk did you?!?" With a little bit of a concerned look he answered to the affirmative. Now, you probably don't see the problem, "He used the milk on granola and let you talk for 80% of a phone conversation, what's the issue?" Well, the issue is this...our fridge died. Yup, a couple days ago it wasn't very cold and I turned it down. Twenty-four hours later it still wasn't very cold and had started making noises. Travis spent a long time on Craigslist looking for a fridge yesterday, which was good because this morning their were chunks in his milk. Yup, back to the kids and their good idea...milk. Pray we end up with no tummy aches! Honestly, I don't think they ate very much, nobody's bowl looked eaten. Oh, yes and the honey was so cooked that I bent the spoon trying to break it free!

Later I helped Travis move our old cast iron tub into a borrowed truck and came in to find that Addie had answered the phone!

And that ladies and gentlemen is why I don't answer the phone.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I still wish you would answer the phone and I'm glad you picked up yesterday. Anyway, I could write a similar post as to why I don't go online. :) Or why I usually only answer the phone during naptime...or why texting is my favorite technological advance. Maybe I can text your there is an idea! Maybe I'll try that and you can text my phone from your email.

Daniel would have done the same thing with the milk. YUCK! I'm glad you got a new refrigerator. Didn't you just get a new one a few years ago?