Wednesday, May 2, 2012


In a nut shell:  Made an extra 8x8 of layered enchiladas for dinner tonight.  Left it on the stove to cool since we didn't eat it.  Forgot about it during Awana and after Awana it was covered in ants, so not happy about ants right not.

I really don't like ants, I've been sugar/boraxing them for the past couple days.  It's helped keep them away from the rest of the counter and compost, but I forgot to put some on the stove area because it's not the highest hit for ants.  ARGH!!  I was looking forward to those as a snack tomorrow.  Such is life.

Anyway, onto more enjoyable subjects, well relatively more enjoyable.  We applied to two jobs recently.  That's good, two that we fit the qualifications, and both are in the Salem-ish area (which we like very much).  So, for those who read this, be praying that one of them might be where God is calling us to be.  

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